Shelf Reliance has been in the US since 2005. LAUNCHING CANADA...JOIN OUR TEAM! Orders can be placed soon....Contact me for more information!


About Us

self-reliance n.- Reliance on one's own capabilities, judgment, or resources; independence.

SHELF RELIANCE is a company that specializes in food storage, storage rotation, and emergency preparedness products. Our goal is to help families prepare for whatever tomorrow may bring, allowing them to feel confident if disaster strikes. We believe in educating people on how to become self-reliant. To learn about how Shelf Reliance got started, read our Company History.

Mission Statement

Shelf Reliance, through superior products and sound education, empowers people to become self-reliant, prosperous, and charitable.

Shelf Reliance is built on these core values: 

Hard Work – We are passionate about achieving extraordinary results. We strive daily to exceed expectations.
– We live by integrity and base all decisions on the principles of honesty and good ethics.
Customer Satisfaction
– We respect our customers and value their feedback and contributions. We strive to ensure that every customer has a positive experience with our company.
– We are problem-solvers and innovators, and we seek to create new opportunities for success.
– We focus on attaining a balanced lifestyle that emphasizes physical health, emotional well-being, mental strength, spiritual growth, and family unity.
– We devote our best efforts to serving those around us and giving back to humanity.

Food Rotation Systems

The Food Rotation System, or FRS, is designed with the idea that you store what you eat and eat what you store. By keeping familiar items on hand, you're better able use your food storage should you have to rely on it in an emergency. The FRS also saves you money because you are no longer throwing out old food storage that has expired.


Buying and preparing good food should be easy. With THRIVE, it is. Our large cans are convenient and delcious in everyday meals. THRIVE features a variety of freeze-dried and dehydrated options that are perfect for long-term storage.

Why Store Food?

Does it seem like everyone is making a big deal about storing food? For many, the issue may seem hardly worth addressing. After all, we live in a country known for being the “land of plenty.” It is sometimes hard to imagine that one day we could find ourselves in a situation that would require us to rely upon the food we have stored in order to provide for our families.

Determining every possible reason to have food storage is an impossible task; however, one need only take a look around our volatile planet to sample some of the many disasters of our time. In the spirit of optimism, more likely reasons to store food may be the least obvious. We never know when unplanned interruptions of life may befall us such as the unexpected loss of income due to a layoff or injury.

Reasons to Rely Upon Food Storage:
• Natural Disaster
• Terrorism
• Labor Strike
• Economic Depression
• Drought
• Crop Failure
• Personal Tragedy
• Civil Unrest
• Unemployment

What do I Need for Food Storage?

WATER Although a person can survive as long as two weeks without food, the human body wasn't designed to go long without water. Depending on the conditions and surrounding environment, this could be as little one day.

FOOD.When it comes to food storage, the first rule to remember is to store the food you eat and eat the food you store. This concept helped us develop what we call our Food Storage Rotation Systems. Because all food has a shelf life, these systems will help you effectively rotate your food and protect your investment. We also offer the basic foods needed to sustain life. The food you eat during an emergency has a dramatic impact upon the psychological well being of those affected. Use our Food Storage Calculators to determine how much to store for you and your family.
Decide Today to Start Preparing
How do you start? The thought of preparing your family for an emergency may appear somewhat daunting at first. Our line of products is designed to help your family start with the most essential items needed during an emergency. Have you used any of the following excuses for not having food storage?

• I don’t know where or how to start my food storage.
• I don’t know what foods to store.
• I’m not sure what to do with 100 lbs. of wheat, rice, and beans.
• I can’t afford to pay thousands of dollars for boxes of food storage.
• I have no means of rotating my food storage.
• I simply don’t have time.
• I don't know how to cook with food storage.

We Make Food Storage Easy!
By becoming a member of Shelf Reliance, we provide you with tips that make food storage easy. Here are some examples of tips that can help you get started:
 • Store the foods you like to eat! After all, if all you had to eat was whole wheat and lima beans, would you want to survive anyway? Our Thrive Kitchen provides simple and easy solutions to cooking with Food Storage.
Build your storage at your own pace. Buy a few extra of something you find on sale at the store. Spending a few dollars a week at the store is more manageable than buying all of your storage at once. Shelf Reliance has a program called the THRIVE Q, where you can receive monthly shipments of the foods you want, at a price you determine. There is no commitment and you can adjust your monthly budget if your circumstances change.
Let Shelf Reliance FRS Systems rotate your food for you.
In the next few weeks you will be able to place your order for Canada..Stay Tuned!!!!